Anna Puglisi

Hometown: Albany, NY

Birthday: July 7, 2004

Major(s): Applied Psychology

Voice Part: Soprano

Joined Dynamics in: Fall 2022

Favorite Artists: Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Olivia Rodrigo

Other Musical Experience: Select choir, musical theater, solo festivals, and private lessons

Favorite Part of Dynamics: How close everyone is

Fondest BC Memory: Going to the ER on day 10 because of COVID

Hobbies: Playing tennis, hiking, aerial yoga, making tik toks

Favorite Drink: Apple Juice

Favorite Movie: Mamma Mia

A Typical Weekend Means: Hanging with friends and catching up on sleep

Your Perfect Day: Going boating on a lake with friends, roasting s’mores and then watching a movie

Guilty Pleasure: Seeing what houses are for sale on Zillow

Biggest Pet Peeve: People who don’t finish their sentences

Biggest Fear: Being framed

Turn Ons: Good sense of style, wealthy, knows how to make me laugh, plays an instrument

Turn Offs: bad breath, always on their phone, can’t admit when they’re wrong

Personal Quote: “slay”


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