Elyza Tuan

Hometown: Medfield, MA

Birthday: August 29, 2005

Major(s): Theatre, Math

Voice Part: Sop 2/ Alto

Joined Dynamics in: Fall 2023

Favorite Artists: Phoebe Bridgers, Dodie, Lizzy McAlpine

Other Musical Experience: musical theatre, choirs, songwriting, guitar, piano

Favorite Part of Dynamics: the immediate community— everyone is so welcoming and caring

Fondest BC Memory: Singin’ (honorable mention to falling down the million dollar stairs and twisting my ankle on my birthday!)

Hobbies: bullet journaling, songwriting, listening to musical theatre soundtracks

Favorite Drink: apple juice

Favorite Movie: My Girl

A Typical Weekend Means: Catching up on sleep, doing laundry, hogging a practice room, going out with friends

Your Perfect Day: Going to Boston, browsing the independent bookstores, reading in the park, hanging out with my brother

Guilty Pleasure: Buying books and never reading them (I’ll get to them someday…. But probably not)

Biggest Pet Peeve: People chewing with their mouth open

Biggest Fear: Being the reason for someone’s pain/ unhappiness

Turn Ons: plays an instrument and can jam out with me, same taste in music

Turn Offs: being rude to waiters and acting entitled

Personal Quote: Something’s coming, something good, if I can wait - Tony, West Side Story


Chloe Tougas


Kimaya Dsilva