Jason Kim

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Birthday: June 17th, 2003

Major(s): Biology

Voice Part: Bass

Joined Dynamics in: Fall 2023

Favorite Artists: Bruno Mars, Jay Park, Shawn Mendes

Other Musical Experiences: Played piano for 10 years

Favorite Part of Dynamics: That chill vibe I feel when Iā€™m with the Dynams

Fondest BC Memory: Hanging out with my friends

Hobbies: Chilling with my friends, singing, playing badminton

Favorite Drink: Zero coke

Your Perfect Day: Late at night, stars shining up in the sky, lying with my friends looking at them

Guilty Pleasure: Mint Chocolate chip ice cream

Biggest Pet Peeve: People who are not chill

Biggest Fear: Making mistakes

Personal Quote: Nothing is bigger than your hand when put in front of your eyes


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Chloe Tougas