Julia McCahill

Juju, Jules

Hometown:  Bedford, NH

Birthday: January 18th, 2002

Major(s): Marketing

Voice Part: Alto

Joined Dynamics in: Fall 2020

Favorite Artists: Quinn XCII, Taylor Swift, Coldplay, & Kid Cudi

Other Musical Experience: Musical theatre, choir throughout school, voice lessons & singing competitions

Favorite Part of Dynamics: The amazing and welcoming community of hilarious people that have already made me feel at home :-)

Fondest BC Memory: Tailgating!!

Hobbies: Skiing (land & water), guitar, singing a bit too often, reading, tubing, hanging with friends & family!!

Favorite Drink: CranFresca (cranberry juice + fresca)

Favorite Movie: Crazy, Stupid, Love.

A Typical Weekend Means: Random adventures with friends and catching up on sleep

Your Perfect Day: Waking up early to watch the sunrise, iced coffee & a nap (or two), hanging with friends and family at the lake then writing a song!!

Guilty Pleasure: Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough bites (they’re unreal)

Biggest Pet Peeve: Getting caught behind a slow walker… the worst.

Biggest Fear: The unknown

Turn Ons: Good hygiene, sense of humor, & confidence

Turn Offs: Acting differently around your friends :( 

Personal Quote: “You are your own definition of beautiful and worthwhile,” - t.s.


Caroline Sloan


Joshua Cruz